
“We all need a long life. If we lose this life, we shall lose our opportunity to enjoy a human life, to practise Dharma, and to attain liberation and enlightenment.” Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

Join us for The Yoga of Buddha Amitayus prayer & meditation with Kelly Jean on March 01.

Through engaging in this practice, we can strengthen our connection with Buddha Amitayus, the Buddha of long life, merit and wisdom, to increase our lifespan and wisdom and accumulate lots of merits.

「我們都需要長壽。如果我們失去這個生命,也就失去了享受人類生命、修持佛法,及獲得解脫與正覺的機會。」 尊貴的格西格桑嘉措仁波切

