The Meditation Path
Developing Minds of Love & Compassion

The Meditation Path: Applying meditations to improve your life.
Meditations, discussions, teachings, tea & inspiration.

In the class that is divided into two parts, we will:
– applying 21 key meditations to inspire our virtue.
– learning to understand the meditation via Buddhist teachings, designed to be beneficial to people from all backgrounds.
-considering the benefits on ourselves and others.
-questioning the teachings and how it impacts us.
-discussing their impact and whether it makes sense.
-having time to relax, have refreshments and converse.

Sunday Class from 11-1pm.
Session 1: 11am
Session 2: 12pm

Donation 150nt (covers all sessions between 11-1pm.)

Location: Gong Guan: KMC Taiwan, NEW LOCATION
Address: @ Floor 2, No. 178, Section 3, Tingzhou Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, 100.

The Teacher:
Stephen Charles

For updated class times and dates, please see the Google Calendar link here